Financial Aid

GEGI software will dramatically lower your costs compared to an in-house solution. It does so by utilizing our knowledgeable staff, a financial assistance procedure refined over the decades, and our SaaS approach.

We have compliance specialists on staff and user-friendly financial aid processing software with automated triggers, checks and balances, and comprehensive reporting to make sure that your grants to students are compliant with legal standards.

GEGI LLC acknowledges the significance of quick transactions between institutions and students in the form of financial aid funds, and thus, we try to process all our financial aid transactions within seventy-two hours of initiation.

GEGI software effectively tackles all sorts of analysis required on an urgent basis. With our software, verification and processing no longer have to take hours or even days like it typically does when carried out manually. With our software, we strive to make processing and verification quicker and faster for each and every student so that they can receive their funds as soon as possible. We want to make transferring funds from the institution to students quicker and hassle-free so that students can enjoy a smooth and worry-less experience.

Since financial aid management is completely computer-authorized, there is almost zero room for any errors to occur. Mistake rates are kept under 2% through our workflow-driven processes and compliance queues in our software.